Wednesday, May 25, 2022

[Golang] Golang應用程式使用TensorFlow/TensorFlow Lite(TFLite)/Tensorflow Serving 的方法整理

Golang應用程式使用TensorFlow 或是 Tensorflow Lite(TFLite) 的前提是必須要有Tensorflow C 函式庫 或是 TensorFlow Lite C 函式庫,一般來說,比較少情況會是用Golang應用程式使用TensorFlow透過TensorFlow C 函式庫,因為未經過最佳化而效能不佳。Golang應用程式使用TensorFlow Lite(TFLite) 透過TensorFlow Lite C 函式庫會是效能較好的其中一種方式。以下將整理相關資訊來說明:


TensorFlow C 函式庫

Documentation for installing the Go bindings for TensorFlow.

這篇文件算是官方整理出如何安裝 Go bindings for TensorFlow,Go's application 可以透過TensorFlow C API 來進行推論(非訓練). 其中,他使用已經編譯好的TensorFlow C 函式庫,下載後安裝。個人覺得此法是最方便的



Go綁定可用於導入和定義常量圖,Go API缺少對Variable的支持:該API旨在使用已經訓練過的模型,而不是從頭開始訓練模型。安裝TensorFlow for Go的時候已經明確說明了:


TensorFlow in Go (Construct and execute TensorFlow graphs in Go.)

這篇比較不同的地方是從源代碼來構建 TensorFlow C 庫 (Build the C library for Tensorflow)

bazelisk build -c opt --config monolithic //

但編譯好的 TensorFlow C 庫需要設置環境變量,對應的路徑要換為Linux 上存儲TensorFlow C庫的位置。例如 :





from tensorflow.python.saved_model.builder_impl import SavedModelBuilder
with tf.Session() as session:  
    # 训练模型操作。。。
    # 保存模型
    builder = SavedModelBuilder("存储路径")
    # 保存时需要定义tag
    builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables(session, ["tag"])


package main

import (
	tf ""

func main() {
	m, err := tf.LoadSavedModel("modelPath", []string{"modelTag"}, nil) // 载入模型
	if err != nil {
		// 模型加载失败
		fmt.Printf("err: %v", err)
	// 打印出所有的Operator
	for _, op := range m.Graph.Operations() {
		fmt.Printf("Op name: %v", op.Name())
	// 构造输入Tensor。根据你的模型入参格式来定义
	x := [1][8]int32{
	tensor_x, err := tf.NewTensor(x)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err: %s", err.Error())
	kb, err := tf.NewTensor(float32(1))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err: %s", err.Error())
	s := m.Session
	feeds := map[tf.Output]*tf.Tensor{
		// operation name 需要根据你的模型入参来写
		m.Graph.Operation("input_x").Output(0): tensor_x,
		m.Graph.Operation("keep_prob").Output(0): kb,
	fetches := []tf.Output{
		// 输出层的name 也要根据你的模型写
	result, err:= s.Run(feeds, fetches,nil)
	if err != nil {
		// 模型预测失败
		fmt.Printf("err: %s  ", err.Error())
	fmt.Printf("%#v", result)

TensorFlow Lite C 函式庫

Build the C library for TFLite

這篇包含 TensorFlow Lite 的 C API的建置與使用

bazelisk build -c opt --config monolithic //tensorflow/lite/

P.S: 編譯完成後,shared library: 在bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/c

Go-tflite: Go binding for TensorFlow Lite

這篇文章提供了很不錯的使用TFLite的範例程式。例如: label_image 可以快速驗證編譯好的TensorFlow Lite C 函式庫。


使用 Bazelisk 安裝 Bazel:,此方式是使用 Go 從來源編譯:go install (需要 Go 1.17 以上版本) 或是用 npm install的方式(建議)。


$ sudo npm install -g @bazel/bazelisk
$ go env GOPATH
$ git clone --branch v2.9.0 ${GOPATH}/src/
$ sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
$ sudo apt install python3 swig python3-numpy
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/

# 設定版本
$ ./configure
You have bazel 4.2.1 installed.
Please specify the location of python. [Default is /usr/bin/python3]:

Found possible Python library paths:
Please input the desired Python library path to use.  Default is [/usr/lib/python3.9/dist-packages]

Do you wish to build TensorFlow with ROCm support? [y/N]: N
No ROCm support will be enabled for TensorFlow.

Do you wish to build TensorFlow with CUDA support? [y/N]: N
No CUDA support will be enabled for TensorFlow.

Do you wish to download a fresh release of clang? (Experimental) [y/N]: N
Clang will not be downloaded.

Please specify optimization flags to use during compilation when bazel option "--config=opt" is specified [Default is -Wno-sign-compare]:

Would you like to interactively configure ./WORKSPACE for Android builds? [y/N]: N
Not configuring the WORKSPACE for Android builds.

Preconfigured Bazel build configs. You can use any of the below by adding "--config=<>" to your build command. See .bazelrc for more details.
        --config=mkl            # Build with MKL support.
        --config=mkl_aarch64    # Build with oneDNN and Compute Library for the Arm Architecture (ACL).
        --config=monolithic     # Config for mostly static monolithic build.
        --config=numa           # Build with NUMA support.
        --config=dynamic_kernels        # (Experimental) Build kernels into separate shared objects.
        --config=v1             # Build with TensorFlow 1 API instead of TF 2 API.
Preconfigured Bazel build configs to DISABLE default on features:
        --config=nogcp          # Disable GCP support.
        --config=nonccl         # Disable NVIDIA NCCL support.
Configuration finished

# Build TensorFlow C 函式庫
$ bazel build -c opt //
# Build TensorFlow Lite C 函式庫
$ bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/lite/

TensorFlow Lite for Go

看到還不錯的TensorFlow Lite for Golang的專案. Github:

tflitego 為在 Golang 中使用 TensorFlow Lite 提供了一個簡單明了的解決方案。其目標是提供一個有凝聚力的 API,與 TensorFlow Lite C API 連接並且容易維護。

Examples for tflitego:

Tensorflow Serving

對於Tensorflow Serving,目前只能先放上別人的連結,日後再研究:


TensorFlow Lite淺度解析

golang-tf (contains Dockerfiles for using Tensorflow in Go)

此提供了包含用於在 Go 中使用 Tensorflow 的 Dockerfile。您可以自行構建或從Docker Hub 上的wamuir/golang-tf拉取鏡像


Download Go binary

In current development, Golang version in the environment is v1.14

mkdir tmp
cd /tmp
sudo tar -xvf go1.18.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local

Environment setup

We can add the following content in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc

#Golang path 
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin 
export GOPATH=$HOME/go 
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Then, renewing the shell sessions

source ~/.profile

Golang should have been now installed successfully on the machine and to check if it is run below command

go version

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