Wednesday, June 19, 2019

[DDS] Install OpenSplice Community Version

What is DDS? The Data Distribution Service (DDS™) is a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity from the Object Management Group® (OMG®). It integrates the components of a system together, providing low-latency data connectivity, extreme reliability, and a scalable architecture that business and mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) applications need. For more information, check it out:

In this post, I install OpenSplice as my DDS runtime environment and library. You can download it from here:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

[TensorFlow] Build TensorFlow from source with Intel MKL enabled

Based on this document "Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Learning Networks: Part 1–Overview and Installation",  I give a quick summary to do it.
Here are the steps for building TensorFlow from source with Intel MKL enabled.

# Install Intel MKL & MKL-DNN
$ git clone
$ cd mkl-dnn
$ cd scripts && ./ && cd ..
$ mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j$(nproc)
$ make test
$ sudo make install
For building TensorFlow:

Monday, June 10, 2019

[Squid] Setup Linux Proxy Server and Client

The following steps are about installing and setup Linux proxy server (Squid) 

#install squid proxy
$ sudo apt-get install squid

#modify squid.conf
$ sudo vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
  ==> #add your local network segment
  acl mynetwork src
  ==> #allow "mynetwork" be accessing via http
  http_access allow mynetwork

#restart squid...OK
$ sudo service squid restart