If you use VirtulBox on Windows for your virtual machine environment, you will encounter some daily operation issues that are kind of tedious. Here I want to provide some useful commands for quickly solving some common operation in Linux VM.
- When you want to duplicate original VDI file to use in other VirtualBox environment, you need to execute this:
- > "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage" clonevdi source.vdi output.vdi
- To clean up the empty space in your VDI file ( it could reduce the size of your VDI file ), there are 2 steps:
- On Linux VM
- > dd if=/dev/zero of=fillfile bs=1M ( running on
- > rm fillfile
- On VirtualBox Host ( Windows )
- "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage" modifyhd your_VDI.vdi --compact
- To change the size of your VirtualBox VDI file
- "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage"--resize SIZE_IN_MB