Showing posts with label Tensorflow Lite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tensorflow Lite. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2022

[TensorFlow Lite] TensorFlow Lite 有用的工具

TensorFlow Lite Tool: Toco (轉換器)

toco是用來生成一個可供TensorFlow Lite框架使用tflite文件。

bazel 編譯方式
$ bazel build tensorflow/lite/toco:toco


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

[TensorFlow Lite] The performance experiment of TensorFlow Lite

Based on my previous post: [TensorFlow Lite] My first try with TensorFlow Lite ,
I am just curious about the performance of TensorFlow Lite on the different platforms so that I do a performance experiment for it.
There are a X86 server (no GPU enabled) and a Nvidia TX2 board ( which is ARM based ) to do the experiment. They both run TFLite’s official example using Inception_v3 model and get average inference time as the following table.

Hardware Information:
Nvidia TX2: 4 CPU cores and 1 GPU ( but does not use )
X86 server: 24 CPU cores and no GPU enabled

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

[TensorFlow Lite] Build Tensorflow Lite C++ shared library

Build Tensorflow Lite shared library:

Modify the code: tensorflow/contrib/lite/BUILD in TensorFlow source:
    name = "",
    deps = [":framework",
    linkopts=["-shared -Wl,--whole-archive" ],
