Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2021

[ODL] Import ODL Controller using Maven into Eclipse on Windows 10




目前使用的是OpenJDK, 需在Windows的系統環境變數做"JAVA_HOME"設定, 變數值為安裝的JDK路徑


需先在Windows 10上安裝Eclipse IDE, 目前使用的版本是 2019-09 R (4.13)


下載並解壓縮完成後, 請在系統環境變數做"MAVEN_HOME" and "M2_HOME"設定如下:

Import ODL Controller using Maven into Eclipse

Eclipse 環境設定 for Maven路徑

Install m2e plugin

Help --> Install New Software
在 "Work with" 選擇 m2e release repository 或是 自行增加 ( 輸入 URL 後按下 "Add" )
勾選Maven Integration for Eclipse, 然後按下 "Finish"

把Maven's "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" 改選為 "Ignore"

Import ODL Controller

切換到 tag: v3.0.2
$git checkout tags/v3.0.2

Project --> Import

以上述方式import project, 只剩下這種的Maven Error:
"Execution generate-depends-file of goal org.apache.servicemix.tooling:depends-maven-plugin:1.4.0:generate-depends-file failed"