- To generate multi-line chart:
urls = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?" + \
"chs=" + str(300+24*rows.__len__()) + "x200" + \
"&chd=t:" + ",".join([str(i[1]) for i in rows]) + "|" + ",".join([str(i[2]) for i in rows]) + \
"&cht=lc" + \
"&chls=2,1,0|2,1,0" + \
"&chco=0000ff,ff0000" + \
"&chtt=SMT%20Scrap%20Rate" + \
"&chxt=x,y" + \
"&chg=20,20" + \
"&chds=0," + str(max_value * 1.4) + \
"&chxl=0:|" + "|".join([str(i[0]) for i in rows]) + "|1:|" + "|".join(
[str(i * max_value * 1.4 / 10.0) + '%' for i in range(0,11)]) + \
"&chdl=Day%20S/R(%)|Night%20S/R(%)" + \
return urls
- To generate multi-line chart:
def createLineChart(rows, max_value):
urls = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?" + \
"chs=" + str(300+24*rows.__len__()) + "x200" + \
"&chd=t:" + ",".join([str(i[1]) for i in rows]) + \
"&cht=lc" + \
"&chls=2,1,0" + \
"&chco=8080ff" + \
"&chtt=SMT%20Scrap%20Rate" + \
"&chxt=x,y" + \
"&chg=20,20" + \
"&chds=0," + str(max_value * 1.4) + \
"&chxl=0:|" + "|".join([str(i[0]) for i in rows]) + "|1:|" + "|".join(
[str(i * max_value * 1.4 / 10.0) + '%' for i in range(0,11)]) +\
"&chdl=S/R(%)" + \
return urls
P.S: It is almost the same as multi-line chart so that I don't provide the image.
- To generate bar chart:
urls = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?" + \
"chs=" + str(300+24*rows.__len__()) + "x200" + \
"&chd=t:" + ",".join([str(i[1]) for i in rows]) + \
"&cht=bvg" + \
"&chco=1d89f9,c6d9fd" + \
"&chtt=SMT%20Scrap%20Rate" + \
"&chxt=x,y" + \
"&chg=20,20" + \
"&chds=0," + str(max_value * 1.4) + \
"&chxl=0:|" + "|".join([str(i[0]) for i in rows]) + "|1:|" + "|".join(
[str(i * max_value * 1.4 / 10.0) + '%' for i in range(0,11)]) +\
"&chdl=S/R(%)" + \
return urls
- To generate pie chart:
urls = "|".join([i[0] for i in rows])
urls = urls.replace(' ','_')
return "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?" + \
"chs=600x150" + \
"&chd=t:" + ",".join([str(i[1]) for i in rows]) + \
"&cht=p3" + \
"&chtt=" + legend + \
"&chl=" + urls