When trying to do inferencing using a frozen model from downloading or freezing by yourself, we may encounter a problem about what the input and output node names are in this model? If we cannot figure them out, it is impossible for you to do inferencing correctly. Here is an easy way to get the possible ones: using the tool: "summarize_graph"
bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:summarize_graph
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/summarize_graph --in_graph=/danny/tmp/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco_2018_01_28/frozen_inference_graph.pb
Found 1 possible
inputs: (name=image_tensor, type=uint8(4), shape=[?,?,?,3])
No variables spotted.
Found 4 possible
outputs: (name=detection_boxes, op=Identity) (name=detection_scores, op=Identity) (name=num_detections, op=Identity) (name=detection_classes, op=Identity)
Found 48132698 (48.13M) const parameters, 0 (0) variable parameters, and 4163 control_edges
Op types used: 4688 Const, 885 StridedSlice, 559 Gather, 485 Mul, 472 Sub, 462 Minimum, 369 Maximum, 304 Reshape, 276 Split, 205 RealDiv, 204 Pack, 202 ConcatV2, 201 Cast, 188 Greater, 183 Where, 149 Shape, 145 Add, 109 BiasAdd, 107 Conv2D, 106 Slice, 100 Relu, 99 Unpack, 97 Squeeze, 94 ZerosLike, 91 NonMaxSuppressionV2, 55 Enter, 46 Identity, 45 Switch, 27 Range, 24 Merge, 22 TensorArrayV3, 17 ExpandDims, 15 NextIteration, 12 TensorArrayScatterV3, 12 TensorArrayReadV3, 10 TensorArrayWriteV3, 10 Exit, 10 Tile, 10 TensorArrayGatherV3, 10 TensorArraySizeV3, 6 Transpose, 6 Fill, 6 Assert, 5 Less, 5 LoopCond, 5 Equal, 4 Round, 4 Exp, 4 MaxPool, 3 Pad, 2 Softmax, 2 Size, 2 GreaterEqual, 2 TopKV2, 2 MatMul, 1 All, 1 CropAndResize, 1 ResizeBilinear, 1 Relu6, 1 Placeholder, 1 LogicalAnd, 1 Max, 1 Mean
To use with tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model try these arguments:
bazel run tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model -- --graph=/danny/tmp/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco_2018_01_28/frozen_inference_graph.pb --show_flops --input_layer=image_tensor --input_layer_type=uint8 --input_layer_shape=-1,-1,-1,3 --output_layer=detection_boxes,detection_scores,num_detections,detection_classes
For more information, please refer to this: