Saturday, December 22, 2018

[Reinforcement Learning] Get started to learn Actor Critic for reinforcement learning

Actor-Critic is basically combined with Policy Gradient (Actor)  and Function Approximation (Critic) based algorithm together. Actor is based on the probability given by policy to act and Critic judges the performance of Actor and gives the score. So, Actor will improve its probability given by policy based on Critic's judge and score. The following diagram is the concept:

Friday, December 14, 2018

Thursday, December 13, 2018

[Reinforcement Learning] Using dynamic programming to solve a simple GridWorld with 4X4

I borrow the example and its source code from here which is a dynamic programming to solve a simple GridWorld with 4X4 and put my explanation for the calculation of value function. Hope that will help to understand dynamic programming and Markov Reward Process(MRP) more quickly.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018