Showing posts with label OpenStack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OpenStack. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

[Ceilometer] To collect the bandwidth of Neutron L3 router

Ceilometer component in OpenStack is a great project for me to study further in depth I think. I am not going to introduce it because it's not the scope of this post. Instead, I only want to list some resources about Ceilometer to collect the bandwith/traffic accounting of Neutron L3 router.

From this offical document:
we can know that the actual implementation to collect the bandwidth of Neutron L3 router is based on iptables.
We can use the neutron command to list the related metering rules and labels
$ neutron meter-label-list
$ neutron meter-label-rule-list

The "neutron-meter-agent" will collect the traffic accounting in the iptables chain and push to oslo-messaging. So the following command can show the traffic accounting in Neutron L3 router

root@sn1:~# nova --os-project-name mickey list

root@sn1:~# nova show bb1879bd-1202-4007-9376-41be30e07ae9

root@sn1:~# neutron --os-tenant-name mickey router-list

root@node-5:~# neutron meter-label-rule-list

root@node-5:~# neutron meter-label-rule-show d31f0b9e-8824-4857-a2dc-19f237723f0c

root@node-5:~# neutron meter-label-rule-show 1ae289ef-687e-4303-8036-9a7566dd5365

So, we need to find the metering labels: "neutron-meter-l-78675a84" and "neutron-meter-l-b88c5977"

root@cn3:~#  ip netns exec qrouter-b1741371-ee12-46a1-831b-d3b35429d7c8 iptables -nL -v -x

root@cn3:~# ip netns exec qrouter-b1741371-ee12-46a1-831b-d3b35429d7c8 iptables -t nat -S

Here is the example to query the metering data in Ceilometer
$ root@node-5:~# ceilometer statistics -m bandwidth -q "resource=b88c5977-4445-4f19-9c8f-3d92809f844e;timestamp>=2016-03-01T00:00:00" --period 86400

The following article is to introduce "Traffic Accounting with Linux IPTables" which can make us more understand it.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

[DPDK] OpenStack and DPDK

In my previous article "Install Lagopus software switch on Ubuntu 12.04", the virtual switch, Lagopus just heavily leverage DPDK to enhance the line rate near to the physical NIC capacity. Recently I saw an article "Scaling NFV to 213 Million Packets per Second with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, OpenStack, and DPDK", which mentions using DPDK in OpenStack and test its performance in RedHat Enterprise. Again DPDK is adopted in the network virtualization under OpenStack. Even thought there are some hardware specification limitation, for instance, with Intel x86 CPU and some series of network ethernet cards. But, I believe it will become one of standard option, just like SR-IOV, to deploy OpenStack in the future.

If you want to get started OpenStack with DPDK, I suggest to study Open vSwitch with DPDK first because the networking of virtual machines are all related with Open vSwitch.

Here are more related information for reference:

Accelerating Neutron with Intel DPDK

Intel DPDK Step by Step instructions

git: stackforge/networking-ovs-dpdk

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

[OpenStack] Existing High Availability Options for Networking

 Existing High Availability Options for Networking

    OpenStack offical web site has document to explain the existing HA options for networking. I think most of important item is the option 1: multi-host networking mode. This mode avoids from single point of failure when Nova-Network component is down and also eliminate the potential network bottleneck in single-host networking mode.

For more in details, please see the this:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

[Info] Quantum L3 Model and API

The following link is about adding L3 concept and APIs ( routing between Subnets) into OpenStack Quantum.

The more information is here: