Tuesday, September 21, 2021

[Service Mesh] Linkerd 2 Demo Case 介紹


Linkerd2 Demo Case 介紹


###Step 1: Install the CLI###
curl -sL run.linkerd.io/install | sh
export PATH=$PATH:/home/liudanny/.linkerd2/bin

###Step 2: Validate your Kubernetes cluster###
linkerd check --pre

###Step 3: Install the control plane onto your cluster###
linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd check
linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f - # on-cluster metrics stack

###Step 4: Explore Linkerd
linkerd viz dashboard &
linkerd -n **linkerd-viz** viz top deploy/web

###Step 5: Install the demo app###
curl -sL <https://run.linkerd.io/emojivoto.yml> \\
  | kubectl apply -f -
#add Linkerd to emojivoto by running
kubectl get -n emojivoto deploy -o yaml \\
  | linkerd inject - \\
  | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd -n emojivoto check --proxy

###Step 6: Watch it run###
linkerd -n emojivoto viz stat deploy
linkerd -n emojivoto viz top deploy
linkerd -n emojivoto viz tap deploy/web

###Step 7 (uninstall)###
kubectl get -n emojivoto deploy -o yaml \\
  | linkerd uninject - \\
  | kubectl apply -f -
curl -sL <https://run.linkerd.io/emojivoto.yml> \\
  | kubectl delete -f -
linkerd viz uninstall | kubectl delete -f -
linkerd uninstall | kubectl delete -f -


$kubectl get -n default deploy -o yaml \\
  | linkerd inject - \\
  | kubectl apply -f -

$kubectl exec tiefighter -- curl -s -XPOST deathstar.default.svc.cluster.local/v1/request-landing

$kubectl get -n default deploy -o yaml \\
  | linkerd uninject - \\
  | kubectl apply -f -

### not work!!!
$kubectl get -n default pod -o yaml \\
  | linkerd inject - \\
  | kubectl apply -f -
$kubectl get -n default pod -o yaml \\
  | linkerd uninject - \\
  | kubectl apply -f -


View the Linkerd dashboard and see all the services in the demo app. Since the demo app comes with a load generator, we can see live traffic metrics HTTP/2(gRPC)和HTTP/1(web frontend) by running: linkerd -n emojivoto viz stat deploy

This will show the “golden” metrics for each deployment:

  • Success rates
  • Request rates
  • Latency distribution percentiles

Inject function is very convenient for users.

There is no service perspective for metrics, but deployment/Pods/... can kind of cover this.


$ k get all -n emojivoto
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/emoji-696d9d8f95-p2xv5      2/2     Running   0          64m
pod/vote-bot-6d7677bb68-tmbfq   2/2     Running   0          64m
pod/voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp      2/2     Running   0          64m
pod/web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb        2/2     Running   0          64m

NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
service/emoji-svc    ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP,8801/TCP   105m
service/voting-svc   ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP,8801/TCP   105m
service/web-svc      ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP              105m

NAME                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/emoji      1/1     1            1           105m
deployment.apps/vote-bot   1/1     1            1           105m
deployment.apps/voting     1/1     1            1           105m
deployment.apps/web        1/1     1            1           105m

NAME                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/emoji-66ccdb4d86      0         0         0       105m
replicaset.apps/emoji-696d9d8f95      1         1         1       64m
replicaset.apps/vote-bot-69754c864f   0         0         0       105m
replicaset.apps/vote-bot-6d7677bb68   1         1         1       64m
replicaset.apps/voting-f999bd4d7      0         0         0       105m
replicaset.apps/voting-ff4c54b8d      1         1         1       64m
replicaset.apps/web-5f86686c4d        1         1         1       64m
replicaset.apps/web-79469b946f        0         0         0       105m

$ linkerd -n emojivoto viz stat deploy
emoji         1/1   100.00%   2.3rps           1ms           1ms           1ms          3
vote-bot      1/1   100.00%   0.3rps           1ms           1ms           1ms          1
voting        1/1    87.01%   1.3rps           1ms           1ms           2ms          3
web           1/1    91.91%   2.3rps           2ms          16ms          19ms          3
$ linkerd -n emojivoto viz top deploy
(press q to quit)
(press a/LeftArrowKey to scroll left, d/RightArrowKey to scroll right)

Source                     Destination             Method      Path                                                    Count    Best   Worst    Last  Success Rate
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       emoji-696d9d8f95-p2xv5  POST        /emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/ListAll                         42   562µs     5ms   937µs       100.00%
vote-bot-6d7677bb68-tmbfq  web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb    GET         /api/list                                                  42     3ms    13ms     9ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       emoji-696d9d8f95-p2xv5  POST        /emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/FindByShortcode                 42   553µs    13ms     2ms       100.00%
vote-bot-6d7677bb68-tmbfq  web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb    GET         /api/vote                                                  41     5ms    21ms     6ms        87.80%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteDoughnut                    6   926µs     3ms     2ms         0.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteMrsClaus                    4     1ms     2ms     2ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteRocket                      2     2ms     3ms     3ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VotePointUp2                    2     2ms     3ms     3ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteCrossedSwords               2     2ms     3ms     3ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteWorldMap                    2   739µs     2ms     2ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteDog                         2     2ms     2ms     2ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteOkWoman                     2   951µs     2ms     2ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteNerdFace                    2     2ms     9ms     9ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteConstructionWorkerMan       2     1ms     3ms     3ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteCheckeredFlag               2   863µs     3ms   863µs       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/Vote100                         2   894µs     2ms   894µs       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VotePizza                       2     1ms     3ms     3ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteJackOLantern                2   884µs     3ms     3ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteManDancing                  2   761µs     1ms     1ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteBeachUmbrella               2     1ms     2ms     1ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteNoGoodWoman                 2     1ms     2ms     2ms       100.00%
web-5f86686c4d-l8lcb       voting-ff4c54b8d-whssp  POST        /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteGuardsman                   2   968µs     2ms     2ms       100.00%
**$ linkerd -n emojivoto viz tap deploy/web**
req id=11:0 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :method=GET :authority=web-svc.emojivoto:80 :path=/api/list
req id=11:1 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=emoji-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/ListAll
rsp id=11:1 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=1792µs
end id=11:1 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=OK duration=193µs response-length=2140B
rsp id=11:0 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=4294µs
end id=11:0 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true duration=358µs response-length=4513B
req id=11:2 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :method=GET :authority=web-svc.emojivoto:80 :path=/api/vote
req id=11:3 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=emoji-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/FindByShortcode
rsp id=11:3 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=1657µs
end id=11:3 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=OK duration=175µs response-length=25B
req id=11:4 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=voting-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteDoughnut
rsp id=11:4 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=2217µs
end id=11:4 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=Unknown duration=161µs response-length=0B
rsp id=11:2 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :status=500 latency=8272µs
end id=11:2 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true duration=171µs response-length=51B
req id=11:5 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :method=GET :authority=web-svc.emojivoto:80 :path=/api/list
req id=11:6 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=emoji-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/ListAll
rsp id=11:6 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=1483µs
end id=11:6 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=OK duration=145µs response-length=2140B
rsp id=11:5 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=5621µs
end id=11:5 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true duration=336µs response-length=4513B
req id=11:7 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :method=GET :authority=web-svc.emojivoto:80 :path=/api/vote
req id=11:8 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=emoji-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/FindByShortcode
rsp id=11:8 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=1477µs
end id=11:8 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=OK duration=206µs response-length=28B
req id=11:9 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=voting-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteManDancing
rsp id=11:9 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=1560µs
end id=11:9 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=OK duration=144µs response-length=5B
rsp id=11:7 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=7140µs
end id=11:7 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true duration=96µs response-length=0B
req id=11:10 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :method=GET :authority=web-svc.emojivoto:80 :path=/api/list
req id=11:11 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :method=POST :authority=emoji-svc.emojivoto:8080 :path=/emojivoto.v1.EmojiService/ListAll
rsp id=11:11 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=1855µs
end id=11:11 proxy=out src= dst= tls=true grpc-status=OK duration=375µs response-length=2140B
rsp id=11:10 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :status=200 latency=3786µs
end id=11:10 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true duration=339µs response-length=4513B
req id=11:12 proxy=in  src= dst= tls=true :method=GET :authority=web-svc.emojivoto:80 :path=/api/vote

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